Struggling to sell your snack products?

I have the solution you're looking for. And it needs to happen before your snack products hit the shelves. Let me show you how:

Defend Your Snacks &Confectionery Business From Being Wiped Out Like 58% Of New Businesses

...even if you think whatever you’re selling is “too common” or “nothing special”

If you just started your snacks & confectionery brand...
And your goal is to survive longer than the “5 Year Mark'' less than 58% of new businesses ever reach…
To have money steadily pumped into your bank account while you fantasize how you’d spoil yourself and family...
To enjoy every single second of being in business without losing the “beginner spark of desire” to be successful…
And without ever being stuck in the so-called “quicksand of business” where you are a few lost customers away from sinking deeper and deeper into a pile of bills...
Then there’s this one thing you simply must do from the first moment you start your brand and business, and that is…
You have to stand out -- if not at least unique -- from your competition.

How To Stand Out With Your Snack Brand

Simple. You do that by appearing to ideal customers as the “of course — duh!” choice whenever they’re looking for the snacks you are selling.

And the sure-fire way of doing that is NOT getting your logo, packaging, website, or even social media designed to look “nice”...

But by actually becoming better in quality for whatever you’re selling!

Here’s the tricky part though:
What if the market you’re in is so saturated with competitors who are not only selling similar snacks as you are…
But whose quality is also similar to yours?

Because truth be told, every idea has been done to death here. Getting harder by the day to reinvent the wheel.
So, how do you get your snack product off those shelves? How do you stand out?

When that’s the case you got 2 options:
Option 1) Pretend as if competition doesn’t matter by doing nothing “special” -- convince yourself “all that
matters is hard-work” to succeed -- and then sadly becomes another snack brand that gets left behind in the dust, that no one notices on the shelves, and worst case scenario ends up like 58% of new businesses, OR...

You can take the better option...
Option 2) Like successful snack brands, arm your business using STAND-OUT DESIGN to
rebrand whatever snack you're selling into one that is “too common” into “one of a kind”. And make the fantasy of rapid sales off the shelves become reality.

Hi, my name is Jerecy Remanente.

As a brand designer, I can help you make Option 2 come true by injecting the power of STAND-OUT DESIGN to your snack & confectionary business and rebrand you to go from "dust on the shelves" to the "no brainer" choice for your target customers!

What’s STAND-OUT DESIGN, you ask? Well you can imagine them as a “fuel of ideas” customized in the process of designing your snack brand that is unique for YOUR business and YOUR business only. When fed by this “fuel”, your brand can help your business:

CONTROL up to 93% of buying decisions by customers (imagine never losing a sense of control over your own business ...and never having to pretend like you “have-it-together” because you actually DO have it together!)

AMBUSH your competitors like a Vietnam War veteran by robbing market attention from them (because if you don’t do it, your customers are gonna be distracted away from all the good stuff you have for them. SAVE YOUR CUSTOMERS!)

Within 10 seconds, BURN positive impressions permanently into the memories of your customers like hot-iron on bareskin (your competitors will toss-n turn in their bed every night, while twitching their toes in anxiety wondering what the heck your “marketing weapon” is.)

SKYROCKET the likelihood of going “Pandemic-Scale” viral and achieving rapid fire sales!

DEFEND against “up-and-coming wannabe competitors” who try to shove you off from being first-in-line from customers.

INSTANTLY come off as “legit & classy” without ever having to verbally explain how much “integrity” you have like some cheesy pyramid scheme con artists...

Introducing Rapid Sell Outs Rebrand

You see, a brand designed with nice looking visuals is cool and all but what actually matters here? Especially if you want to NOT be in the 58% of businesses that fail? Your snack product to sell. And sell out rapidly!

With using stand out brand design as the bridge to do just that. I want that for you so much that you only pay the rest of the 50% when your snack product increases in sales.  

Clarity Exercise/Call

When we book our initial call session, we'll deep dive into your snack products...what your customers actually want from you...the landscape of competition, and most importantly…your goals. All of this is relevant info for me to gather, so we can move forward with the right ingredients to engineer the success of designing your brand.

Visual Identity

Let's create some familiarity with your customers and build your brand's visual identity. Repeat customers are what sustains your business and in order to do that, they need to recognize your brand. And familiar brand visuals stand out in your memory more than any other form of communication.

Packaging Design (Up to 2 Products)

How your snack product's packaging design makes an important impact into the process of your target customer's buying decision. When your snack product is sitting on that shelf, do you catch their eye? Or are you blending in without a trace? Your packaging design creates attention, STAND-OUT DESIGN from competitors, and greatly impacts sales.


I want to give you as much value as I possibly can imagine with this so here are four bonuses that I included to make this offer not just a temporary improvement for you but an improvement for you and your business forever!

Bonus #1 Viral Social Media Design Kit

Social media is an incredibly valuable marketing tool. So let's establish our newly formed visual identity and rebrand on this touchpoint. Whether it's carousels, singles or infographics, let's get your visual message out there to let your audience know you exist!

Bonus #2 Internal Brand Guidelines

Will be used to onboard new people and give folks like stakeholders, investors or employees a guideline in order to keep the brand and visuals aligned so there's no room for error or any inconsistencies for the brand.

I have 2 slots remaining this month for Rapid Sell Outs Rebrand.
Click the button below to schedule a chat and get the process started with your snacks selling out rapidly!


Rapid Sell Out Rebrand Not A Fit?
Here's An Alternative - Split Sec Attention Packaging

Rapid Sell Out Rebrand is not a good fit for everyone since everyone has different priorities and problems so I've got a second option that could entice you and that is Split Sec Attention Packaging. This is here for the folks that want to increase their sales with stand out product packaging design but are on a tighter budget.

Packaging Design (1 Product)

Same as what's included in Rapid Sell Out Rebrand but this time around it's limited to 1 product instead of 2. Gets everything you need to get your snack product that STAND-OUT DESIGN it needs in order to grab that attention from your customers, and get your snack product selling!


And of course this will include a bonus as well so I can give as much value I can get away with here.

Bonus - 3 Special Edition Packaging Variations

You can have 3 packaging variations for any of the 3 special events, festivals, or special days of the year. (eg. Christmas Special, Women's day, Easter, etc.)

I have 3 slots remaining this month for Split Sec Attention Packaging.
Click the button below to schedule a chat and get the process started with your snacks selling out rapidly!


Who This Is NOT For!

In my experience, I’ve found out that this rebranding process is not for everyone although it has worked time and time again to create sales.

This is not for you if all you want for your rebrand to “look or feel good”, designed without a strategic process to win yourself a slice of pie in market. If it is then I suggest you go on Fiverr and pay $5 - $100 for cheap design instead.

This is not for you if you want a rebrand “fast” - if you can find me a project manager who is willing to build a stable skyscraper in 24 hours, then I’ll design in less than that time plus free.

This is not for you if you’re okay with your snack brand being just “lukewarm”. You don’t care about standing out, you don’t feel competitive, and you have no desire for your business to become “viral” at any point.

And lastly I want to make this clear: this is not for you if you insist on the rebrand be the “end-all-be-all” solution for overcoming sub-quality products (branding principles are powerful, but they are not magic).

Who This Is For!

On the contrary, there are also people who are ideal candidates for the process.

This is for you if the idea of being classified as another “me-too” business disgusts you to the core.

This is for you if you don’t wanna risk getting stuck in the “quicksand of business”,  where you barely have enough customers to survive, pulling your hair out every waking moment keeping your business afloat.

This is for you if you’re not willing to settle for only random “pity orders” from friends and family to survive.

And this is definitely for you if you want to reach the success level you’ve sworn by, without crawling back to a 9-5 job and cringing at yourself 10 years later for having wasted your precious time.


Who Is Jerecy Remanente?

My name is Jerecy. And I have been a designer since 2018. Currently a brand designer.

Got to this point with many frustrating experiences pursuing the 9-5 route. And now where I'm done trying to put my success in the control of somebody else. So currently pursuing the solo route and loving the journey with all its ups and downs.

Have made many mistakes, and will continue to do so. But would rather work and grow on my own, and focus on my own goals. Then hope to impress someone else that I don’t care about but pretending to because I need the paycheck.

Paving a path that is authentic to me. And my goal for you is to create a brand that does the same for you. To actually come off as memorable and NOT be another me-too business.

My focus?
I help small snacks & confectionary businesses design their brand to increase their product sales using strategic design so they can overcome any concern about blending in with the rest of their market and settling as a “dime in a dozen” type of business.

Proper branding is the “kickstart” every business owner needs to sail towards success!

What frustrates me most about the design industry is that there are so many brand designers who promise fluff instead of results. Clarity, alignment and purpose do matter with your brand but they don't pay the bills.

To counter this complacent pattern in my industry, I went another direction to cater to the needs of business owners which is sales, revenue and profit, and using brand design as a way to create those outcomes.

If you made it this far and still wondering if either Rapid Sell Outs Rebrand or Split Sec Attention Packaging are the right fit for you. Email me any questions you may have by clicking this button down below and will answer them to the best of my ability!